Golden Plains 8

Meredith Supernatural Amphitheatre

March 8-10 2014

Mark Pritchard

Widely regarded as THE BEST in the world at future beats. In Guardian’s list of 100 Albums To Hear Before You Die. His prescient Reload project was an enormously influential slice of British techno, an experimental exploration of inner and outer space. His collaboration as Global Communication spawned the seminal ‘76:14’ which is considered one of the greatest ambient albums of all time. Remixes for Radiohead, Aphex Twin, Tom Middleton. Now releasing his first ever record under his own name on WARP Records. He’s been a lot of things, including Harmonic 313, Africa Hitech, Global Communication, Reload, Harmonic 33 but now he’s retiring all aliases to be Mark Pritchard. How cool is that? Penultimate set, last night of nights.

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